The BIC Africa Annual Gathering is BIC Africa’s flagship event that brings together policymakers, business incubator managers, entrepreneurs, business incubation experts and other stakeholders from the 5 BIC Africa project countries (Angola, Comoros, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Somalia), and also participants from other African countries and the European ecosystem. The gathering aims to connect incubation practitioners, exchange knowledge and discuss how to overcome the challenges faced by the business incubator communities today to support current and future entrepreneurs (with a focus on youth and women).
The BIC Africa Annual Gathering 2023 (#BICAfrica2023) co-hosted by BIC Somali will take place on Thursday 26th October (in-person) in Nairobi, Kenya. The theme for this year’s gathering is “Promoting shared learning, Driving innovative startups! “, with a special focus on the Somali ecosystem and will feature relevant actors from Kenya.