Support Programme for Production, Industrialisation and Free Trade in Comoros (APILE Comoros) is the result of the ratification of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union in January 2019 by the Comoros within the framework of the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) group.
This is taking place in a context where the economic and trade situation at the national level is not very favourable to the positive impact of the EPA on employment and growth in Comoros, given the observations summarised above.
In such a context, it is essential that Comoros strengthens its local production capacity, and more particularly the processing of products, in order to reduce imports of finished products on the national market, on one hand, and to increase the possibilities of exporting products with higher added value, which will contribute to the creation of decent jobs for women and men in Comoros.
The APILE Comoros project is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNIDO.

In 2016 the Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of the Comoros (UCCIA) created the first business incubator in the Comoros. Supported by the UCCIA, it was then responsible for promoting the creation of innovative companies in line with the vision advocated by the government to make the Comoros an emerging country by 2030.
The incubator supported by UCCIA offers many tools that allow optimal development of innovative projects over a period of 6 to 24 months:
a. - Definition of the economic model; formalization of the business plan,
b. - Personalized coaching and project monitoring by the operational team
c. - Search for technical and commercial partnerships,
d. - Intellectual property advice,
e. - Accommodation,
f. - Support for raising public and private funds.
At the end of incubation, the start-up must be able to conquer the market, interest investors, have a marketable product and start its activity.
In 2017, after having benefited from technical and financial assistance for its implementation, the UCCIA inaugurates the "Incubator", the latter has acquired expertise and support adapted and which meets the needs of the incubated
The INNOV'lab is directly attached to the UCCIA, it is one of the key services of the institution, its headquarters are located in Moroni between the port and the hydrocarbon company

Depuis 2021 nous nous sommes donnés 2 missions supplémentaires, former aux métiers du numérique à travers l’ACTIC Academy et accompagner vers l’emploi et l’entreprenariat.
Comor'Lab, se veut un espace de partage et de rencontres à travers les nombreux meetups, Hackathon et événements de réseautage.
Nous accompagnons essentiellement des projets et entrepreneurs dans le digital, mais aussi dans les innovations sociales et aidons les entreprises à assumer le virage de la transition digitale. Notre valeur ajoutée est de concilier le bien social et la technologie.

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